Monday, December 28, 2009
12-20-2009 Sunday - Can You Find The Christmas Pickle???
Here is an explanation I found on the internet of this Christmas tradition our family has had for the past several years:
It is a quaint tradition that nobody wants to claim. And its story would not be the first tradition of Christmas born of a total fabrication. It is the little-known tradition of the Christmas pickle.
The Christmas pickle is not really a pickle at all. It is a pickle-shaped ornament that is the last one hung on the tree on Christmas Eve. The first child to find the Christmas pickle gets an extra gift from Saint Nicholas. Or so the so-called legend goes.
There are two other versions of the origins of the Christmas pickle. One is a family story of a Bavarian-born ancestor who fought in the American Civil War. A prisoner in poor health and starving, he begged a guard for just one pickle before he died. The guard took pity on him and found a pickle for him. The pickle by the grace of God gave him the mental and physical strength to live on.
The other, perpetuated in
Berrien Springs calls itself the Christmas Pickle Capital of the World. They celebrate with an annual Christmas Pickle Festival held during the early part of December. A parade, led by the Grand Dillmeister who passes out fresh pickles along the parade route, is the featured event. You may even purchase the German glass pickle ornaments at the town’s museum.
Rumor and speculation place the origin of this tradition in
Regardless of where it came from, the Christmas tradition survives. Ornament manufacturers continue to make the specialty decoration and enjoy perpetuating the myth of its legendary origins -- false though they may be.
This tradition has become such a family favorite - that we now have five pickles on our Christmas tree! They are all different sizes, the smallest Drew has to find and so on. The first to find their pickle is given a little gift of money. We do not play it on Christmas like the traditional game, but just sometime during the Christmas season. It is especially hard to find the pickles in the evening with all the lights off but the tree's!
Monday, December 21, 2009
12-20-2009 Sunday - The Allred Christmas Party
2-17-2009 Thursday - Holly's Accepted!
12-14-2009 Monday - The Kitchen Tree
Sunday, December 13, 2009
12-12-2009 Sunday - Stars Were Gleaming
12-12-2009 Saturday - A Visit With Santa!
Luke was pretty worried he was on Santa's naughty list this year and asked Santa if this was so... Santa said that he didn't think he was but told Luke that he would check when he got back to the North Pole later that night.
12-12-2009 Saturday - Christmas Tree Shopping!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
12-7-2009 Monday - Christmas Tree Decorating
A little video Luke took when he got a hold of my camera!
12-7-2009 Monday - Cookies and Caroling!
12-6-2009 Sunday - Sing Noel
12-1-2009 Tuesday - A Merry Christmas Target
I was so happy to read these words that I went straight to the customer service and asked to speak to the manager. The lady asked if she could help, but I said I needed the store manager. When he came up and told him I had noticed the Merry Christmas sign on the front door of the store. He nodded and said yes, without any expression on his face. Then I thanked him for displaying the sign and a look of relief came upon his and the lady's faces. He was so glad I didn't say anything negative and he gave me a card to fill out and send to corporate headquarters. If you want to express your thanks and appreciation to Target for having Merry Christmas signs too, you can stop by customer service and ask for a postage paid comment card to send to Target Corporation.
11-30-2009 Monday - Shera's Christmas Treasure Hunt!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
11-28-2009 Saturday - A Christmas Carol
School Year Highlights!

Drew's drama club went to NYC over the holidays!

Holly's Classical Voice Recital

Noel won Castille Elementary Student of the Year from the Kiwanis Club. She's here with Peter Vidmar - 2x Olympic Gold & 1x Olympic Silver Medal winner.
Church History Tour Easter Break

Palmyra - Joseph Smith's home where he grew up!

We went to Niagara Falls too!
The Angel Game!

We got on the big screen!