Last Friday we got the exciting news that Holly was accepted to the
BYU School of Music! Woo Hoo!
This isn't any small feat. It is really competitive to get in.
This is what she had to do:
1. File a School of Music Application
2. Send in a DVD of her singing 3 songs - only one being in English. Her other 2 were German and Italian. Over 160 DVD's were sent in by hopeful students.
3. They chose 30 applicants to audition live on January 30th. Holly was one of them!
4. Those 30 applicants had to pass an aural music theory exam and receive at least a score of 30 on it. Holly got a 32!
5. She also had to write an essay answering why she wanted this major and what her future plans entailed.
Only 10 total voice majors are chosen each year. Yeah, that's 10 out of over 160! And she was competing against students already at BYU! While there, we met Freshmen, Sophomore, and Junior girls who were also auditioning!
Next she had to just sit back and wait... and wait... and wait...
Finally, while at school Friday morning, a friend of hers texted her saying his results were in...
She called me at break to get on the computer and get Jeff on our house phone loud speaker from work. I clicked onto the screen and there it was...
Dear Holly,
The BYU School of Music is pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the School of Music as a music major in the following studio/area: Voice. Your outstanding accomplishments and audition truly helped set you apart and we look forward to working with you throughout your university career.
We were so excited! All three of us started screaming and Holly and I were jumping up and down! We later found out that of the 10 chosen - only 4 were incoming freshman girls, and 3 boys and 3 girls were already students at BYU!

After school, the girls smothered her with hugs and kisses!

Drew was so happy - he cried! (Not Really)

A huge relief came over all of us!

We celebrated with dinner at Island's. (Holly's Choice)

She started calling her friends and family the next two days. (If you didn't get a call - she tried, not many people were home and she didn't want to leave a message) She told our friend, Bob Breton, at singing practice that night.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to all of Holly's family and friends who supported her, pushed her, tutored her, drove her, inspired her, and believed in her!
Now, for the uneasy news... She STILL has not been accepted to the actual university of BYU - only the School of Music at BYU. But we are hopeful that the answer will come soon! If you remember, she's already been accepted to the University of Utah and to Utah State University. But we have not heard from their school's of music yet. So she's really only part way there for all three schools. Also, she hasn't made up her mind which is her first choice. So, I have a poll above to the right. We'd love for you to vote for which university you'd like to see Holly go to next fall!
Answer the Poll Question: Up to the right...