Louie had his last Sunday Farewell dinner with his parents at our home before leaving on his mission.
We had a feast of steak, potatoes, salad, and Louie's favorite Texas Sheet Cake!
Louie's dad, mom and sister's brother came for the afternoon and we talked about what Louie would be doing for the next two years. They are not members of the church, but they are adjusting to what he desires pretty well.

We will miss you Louie!

Shera will miss teasing her buddy.
Saying goodbye is so hard sometimes...
Louie's dad loves him so much!
This was so tough!
Grams and Drago took Jeff and Louie to the airport to go to Salt Lake City where they will finish preparing Louie to serve. Louie will go into the Missionary Training Center (MTC) for 2 months and then to Honduras for the remaining 2 years of his mission.