We know, we know... Our kids have been deprived, but we've had the bikes, they just didn't have any desire to ride them! They are big razor fans and haven't had the need. So, yesterday Jeff and Drew took them on the street without training wheels and taught them. Just a few times and they had it down! Yeah!!!
Anybody related with the Starr Family will really enjoy this clip. I laughed so hard when Jeff talked about Brad here!!! Hee! Hee! Hee! And Drew did wash Sasha's "Gutter Tail" with a hose!
Yipee! Lauren keeps asking for a bike (pink, of course) but we just haven't gotten around to it yet, either. (Of course, it is hard to go on a bike ride in the snow!)
and that IS a cute picture of the girls.
Yuck...gutter water. Are you sure Brad didn't learn that from his big brother?
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