Now, for those of you who haven't watched the PBR up close and personal, then I can truly say you haven't lived a completely fulfilling life yet! What the heck is the PBR you ask?
Well, it's the Professional Bull Riders! We like to trade off and do surprise dates when we can and when I heard they were coming to town, I just knew we had to give it a try! BTW - That fire is coming out of pyro bull heads!!! Yahooooo!!!!
The show we went to was a big one at The Pond. (It'll never be the Honda Center to me...) It had the top 40 bull riders in the world and was a 2 day event! Some of these bulls weighed up to 1,700 pounds! We saw the #1 (26 yrs old) and #2 (21 yrs old) best in the world ride that night!
It got pretty crazy at times watching these riders get bucked off. We watched one do a flip off the back (unintentionally), another get his hand caught and dragged, and another riding with a cast on his arm because he'd had surgery the week before from breaking it at a show 2 weeks prior! Whoa! These were tough guys! The world finals will be in November in Vegas - maybe....
Take a look at this! Brian Canter is 21 years old and #23 in the world!
When we lived in Oakdale we went to the Oakdale rodeo almost every year. It is the "Cowboy Capitol of the World"--at least that's what they call it in all their literature. I had a hard time watching the cowboys ride the bulls, and even the horses. Carey loves, loves rodeos. I'll have to look for it if it comes again!
Noel won Castille Elementary Student of the Year from the Kiwanis Club. She's here with Peter Vidmar - 2x Olympic Gold & 1x Olympic Silver Medal winner.
oh wow! What a thrilling date! I love that you do surprise dates-totally keep that love alive! Mike and I love our date nights.
When we lived in Oakdale we went to the Oakdale rodeo almost every year. It is the "Cowboy Capitol of the World"--at least that's what they call it in all their literature. I had a hard time watching the cowboys ride the bulls, and even the horses. Carey loves, loves rodeos. I'll have to look for it if it comes again!
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