We have lavender wisteria covering our backyard fence.
I think wisteria is my all time favorite flower!
Let me know what your all time favorite flower is!
It was delicious! We had the Penrod family over for dessert and games too!
They played on the swing and worked on a school history project together.
It's just been a nice week so far with beautiful weather.
I love Southern California!
uh huh...we have 3 inches of snow sitting on our lawn right now. And more to come the whole rest of the week! But I am glad you are enjoying your beautiful weather! :)
Thanks again for a fun night although the jury is out on kerplunk! What a funny game. Loved seeing you guys though. Funny how busy we get and how difficult it is to visit with each other! Have a great trip!
PS--I love all flowers, but especially sweet peas! We used to have an old house near us that had an overgrown wisteria bush. It reached the roof and was so wide--it dwarfed the house. When it bloomed it was gorgeous! All lavendar color on the side of the road!
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