Drew's farewell in our ward was this last Sunday. We had about 50 people come and probably half were not LDS. Some were family and others were friends. It was a great missionary experience for Drew as he was able to share his testimony and how excited he is to serve the Lord.

After the meeting Drew visited with friends in the foyer at church. Then we came back to our home for a brunch and more visiting and of course, photos.

Drew's Aunt Christy, Aunt Becky and Uncle Brad came with their families. It was so nice to have some time to visit with everyone.

One of Drew's favorite people came to see him as well, our home teacher, Brother Bob Moncur. He has been our home teacher for almost 12 years. We love him!

My brother, Dean, and his family came as well to support Drew. Drew's middle name is after Dean and they have a special connection because of this I think.

My only active blood relatives came for Drew's farewell. They are my cousins Casper, Dan, Karen, and Walt. They are our San Bernardino cousins!

Noel, Holly and Allyse hung out later in the day and vegged after the long weekend.

So did his cousins Brent and Dallan. It was nice for all the cousins to be able to visit and spend some time together. It was almost like a mini-reunion.

Saying goodbye can be hard sometimes. Andrea is Drew's cousin closest in age. They are only 3 weeks apart and they are so cute together.
Thanks for the invitations to Drew's open house on Saturday, I REALLY wanted to come but we had other plans that I couldn't get out of! It would have been so much fun to see you guys! Hopefully another time!
Good luck on your mission Drew! My cousin is in the other Puerto Rico mission and she LOVES it there so much!! I know you will be a great missionary! I hope your mom posts updates here about your experiences there over the next 2 years!
I wish I could have been there. I am sure he did such a great job. I can't believe you have a missionary, I fear that time will fly so fast, I will be there soon.
Good Luck Drew- I love keeping up on you guys- miss you.
What a wonderful day! We SO wish we could have been there. My mom said he did SUCH a wonderful job speaking. We are so excited for you, DREW!!!
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