With all this rain we've been having, how can you resist a good 'ol fashion game of mud football?

Not these YSA's!
Can you find Drew???
Two sisters, Michelle and Megan Moody, are in here too!

They played last Saturday down by the Los Alisos river bed and golf course.

They started playing here after getting kicked off the Lake Fields.
This used to be all green! It gets super slippery!

Everyone wears their swim suits and go barefoot. After they are all good and muddy and exhausted, they rinse off in a nice mud bath!

Then they head over to our clubhouse and use the showers and then get in the spa to warm up.
Don't worry, they do rinse it down afterward!
Thank goodness!
C R A Z Y!!! :)
Looks like Drew was one of the muddiest! But sounds like they had a blast! Oh, the things we do in those fun YSA days!
What a mess! So much fun though!
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