Friday, July 9, 2010

6-12-2010 Saturday - Noel's 8th Grade Grad Party!

Noel and Dallas Hartmann had a combined grad party. About 40 kids came and swam, ate pizza...

and drank lemonade...

They played ping pong...

jumped on the trampoline...

jumped into the water...

played pool basketball...

and then hung out in the spa at the end...

We had a huge white cake with fresh strawberry filling and whipped cream frosting! The cake was decorated with their school's mascot ~ The Roadrunner!

Way To Go Kids! On The Road To MVHS!!!


Mike and Shelby said...

How fun! You do have the best backyard for a great party! Cute cake.

Anonymous said...

wow she is such a little hottie

School Year Highlights!

School Year Highlights!
Drew's drama club went to NYC over the holidays!

Holly's Classical Voice Recital

Noel won Castille Elementary Student of the Year from the Kiwanis Club. She's here with Peter Vidmar - 2x Olympic Gold & 1x Olympic Silver Medal winner.

Church History Tour Easter Break

Church History Tour Easter Break
Palmyra - Joseph Smith's home where he grew up!

We went to Niagara Falls too!

The Angel Game!

The Angel Game!
We got on the big screen!