My Uncle Aubrey died at the age of 89. He was a real cowboy! He worked on ranches in Arizona, Texas, and Wyoming. He and my Uncle Grant were on the Roping Circuit and competed and won a lot! Uncle Grant told me when they were little kids they'd practice on my mom. She'd run out and they'd catch her. Sometimes she'd get rope burns and then fight with them!

Like all of my mom's brothers, Uncle Aubry fought in two wars. He was in the Battle of the Bulge with General Patton! A lot of my uncles would come home wounded in the war and then go back out to war...

There were 11 kids in my mom's family. One passed away as a baby. These are the four left surviving: Uncle John, Aunt Ardel, Maybelle (my mom was called by her middle name), and Uncle Grant.

That evening after the service we drove 2 hours to Safford, Arizona. We drove right past the new Safford LDS Temple. It was so beautiful with the Graham Mountains behind it...

This is the town my mom and dad grew up in...

My mom worked at this theatre when she was 14 taking tickets and making popcorn...

Here is the Safford Courthouse -
total small town charm...

This is the pool hall/bar that my dad's two uncles owned. It is still called The American Bar and it was the place to be back in it's day...

This is the house my mom lived in during junior high and high school...

My mom lived outside of a tiny town called Fort Thomas when she was little and went to grade school in this little red schoolhouse...

We visited my dad's grave - I miss him so much...

If you ever want the BEST MEXICAN FOOD go to Arizona!!!
So sorry to hear about your uncle...
It was so fun to see pictures of where your mom grew up!!! And I had NO IDEA that she went by the name Maybelle!!!!
So glad to see the blog and all the pics. What a great legacy your parents and extended family have left you and yours. So glad you included your Mom in the pics of the places she lived. They are so much more meaningful that way!!
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