Sunday, January 20, 2008

Time To Do The Laundry!!!

This past week, things finally caught up to me! I guess you can't have all fun now! So, I've been trying to work on the laundry room! When the kids start coming in saying they have no pants to wear and it's cold outside - it's time to do the wash! Ugh!!!

Anyone out there feel the same way? Tell me how you keep your laundry under control. Or am I the only one like this? And I have two of each machines even and can't keep up!!! Sometimes I feel pathetic...


Julie said...

Carol...when you figure out that mystery of life, will you please share it with me? I CAN'T keep up with it. I started out the New Year with the motto "a load a day, keeps the laundry at bay"...didn't last very long, unfortunately!

Janice said...

Yes, When you figure it out..please let us know! I can get the laundry washed ok it is just the folding and putting away that I cant seem to get under control! You are smart to have 2 of each though!

Roberta said...

My big laundry pet peeve is finding folded clothes back in the hamper. If I am going to haul, wash, dry, fold...the least they can do is put them away! I took your advise about letting the older boys do their own for awhile until they appreciate me, but it has just turned into more chaos and dirty clothes. They only find time to do it when they don't have a single scrap left to wear and I start nagging. It would be easier to do it myself again...but don't tell them that!

Nicki said...

Oh my! That is a lot of laundry but you are so lucky you have 4 machines!! I envy you! I do laundry on Mondays and then it takes me the whole week to get it folded and put away and then it's Monday again!!

Also, I couldn't find an email address for you, but I wanted to fill you in... Cory is a production designer, so he designs the sets for movies and TV shows. OVER HER DEAD BODY, a cute, romantic comedy but you gotta check out the sets... they're FANTASTIC! (Am I biased, or what?!)

Mike and Shelby said...

HOLY LAUNDRY! How do you ever keep up with it?

School Year Highlights!

School Year Highlights!
Drew's drama club went to NYC over the holidays!

Holly's Classical Voice Recital

Noel won Castille Elementary Student of the Year from the Kiwanis Club. She's here with Peter Vidmar - 2x Olympic Gold & 1x Olympic Silver Medal winner.

Church History Tour Easter Break

Church History Tour Easter Break
Palmyra - Joseph Smith's home where he grew up!

We went to Niagara Falls too!

The Angel Game!

The Angel Game!
We got on the big screen!