Monday, March 17, 2008

Drew Wins The Orange County Rotary Club's Voice Competition!

Last month, Drew auditioned against other high schoolers to represent the Mission Viejo Rotary Club to compete in this year's "Pathway To The Stars Voice Competition". He was chosen and went on to the semi-finals this weekend. He sang at UCI on Saturday for two university professor adjudicators. Forty-nine Rotary Clubs were represented. Three students were picked from each category and Drew was one of them for the Male Musical Theater Category. Yesterday, those top three competed against each other to place and Drew took First!!! Yeah!!!

Here is Drew, about to walk on the stage at the concert hall to sing.

These are the top three competitors in each category: Male Musical Theater, Female Musical Theater, Male Classical, and Female Classical.

The Mission Viejo Rotary Club was represented in the top three of each category - a sweep. And the students all went to Mission Viejo High School as well. They are in Chamber Choir and here is their teacher, Mr. Elg congratulating them on doing such a good job. We had two first places in Musical Theater and two third places in the Classical Category.

Our family was all there to watch Drew perform.

Here is the song we recorded that placed him first, winning a gold medal and a cash award!


Julie said...

Way to go, Drew!!!!

Roberta said...

Hooray Drewboo! We love you and are so proud of you!

School Year Highlights!

School Year Highlights!
Drew's drama club went to NYC over the holidays!

Holly's Classical Voice Recital

Noel won Castille Elementary Student of the Year from the Kiwanis Club. She's here with Peter Vidmar - 2x Olympic Gold & 1x Olympic Silver Medal winner.

Church History Tour Easter Break

Church History Tour Easter Break
Palmyra - Joseph Smith's home where he grew up!

We went to Niagara Falls too!

The Angel Game!

The Angel Game!
We got on the big screen!