Monday, January 25, 2010

1-20-2010 Wednesday - Poor Sweet Little Birdie vs. Bad Dogs

The other night we let Sasha and Heidi out in the backyard before bed for one last potty break. It was one of the really wet and rainy days, so they pretty much stayed on the patio. I guess the other little wild animals had the same idea because as I peeked outside to see how they were doing, I saw them playing with something. You know when dogs bat something around with their paws? Well, it was this poor sweet little finch!

I ran outside and pushed the dogs away! I picked it up and took it inside. It was still alive, so Holly got a warm towel and started prepping a little bed for it and took a couple of these photos. It was so soft and tiny in our hands. We could feel it breathing. And at one point it flapped its wings to try to fly away. But then it became still and passed away in our arms. We felt so bad for the little bird who used our home as a sanctuary, but then was betrayed by our little dogs...

But they are still so cute, and I guess that is just nature. So I will keep them anyway.

Here is a video of our "Bird Sanctuary" in our backyard. We love having all of the wildlife to watch out our window.


Nicki said...

Oh dear! I didn't see that coming... did you? What a sad moment. Oh, I bet those dogs were in the dog house after that!!

Fawn said...

So sad! Wonderful video though. Loved seeing all the birds! Hopefully they won't do that again.

School Year Highlights!

School Year Highlights!
Drew's drama club went to NYC over the holidays!

Holly's Classical Voice Recital

Noel won Castille Elementary Student of the Year from the Kiwanis Club. She's here with Peter Vidmar - 2x Olympic Gold & 1x Olympic Silver Medal winner.

Church History Tour Easter Break

Church History Tour Easter Break
Palmyra - Joseph Smith's home where he grew up!

We went to Niagara Falls too!

The Angel Game!

The Angel Game!
We got on the big screen!