Friday, July 9, 2010

6-11-2010 Friday thru Saturday - Shera's 10th Bday Party!

On their 10th birthday, we let our kids have their first sleepover party. Now it was finally Shera's turn!
Six of her closest friends came over to swim and have pizza.

Her party was a pink and green polka dot cupcake theme.
We made cupcakes to match!

They turned out really cute!

Ten candles all on one favorite green-colored cupcake!

We had the cutest tie-dyed paper plates! Holly, Noel, Carrissa, and Aubry helped out at the party too!

Then the girls played limbo. Shera won the first game and Noel won the second game!

Then the girls all played in the game room for a while.

The end of the evening was finished off by wearing glow bracelets and watching the movie, "Yours Mine and Ours" in the theater.

I took this picture in the morning before everyone woke up. They had all sacked out in the playroom.

The next morning, we took everyone in their pj's to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast! It was quite a party for a 10 year old Little Miss Shera!

Limbo Baby...

1 comment:

Mike and Shelby said...

Those cupcakes are way cool! So bright.

I LOVE Mimi's Cafe...yum!

School Year Highlights!

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