Tuesday, August 17, 2010

8-9-2010 Monday - Lunch at Fashion Island

One of our favorite places to have lunch is at Neiman Marcus in Fashion Island.

We like to meet Grams there and do a little shopping and do a little eating.

The restaurant is called Mariposa which means "Butterfly" in Portuguese. They have amazing popovers with a strawberry butter! You have to try them sometime!

They have some beautiful fountains at Fashion Island - so we took a few photos there.

Holly picked up a few items at Macy's (for Luke and Shera REALLY!)


Nicki said...

Loved Mariposa! Been there once for Valentines Day and it was nice!

Mike and Shelby said...

*sigh* I miss places like fashion place! :) (But Sandy Southtowne is nice too...which, by the way, is where wee ride our Merry-Go-Round here)

School Year Highlights!

School Year Highlights!
Drew's drama club went to NYC over the holidays!

Holly's Classical Voice Recital

Noel won Castille Elementary Student of the Year from the Kiwanis Club. She's here with Peter Vidmar - 2x Olympic Gold & 1x Olympic Silver Medal winner.

Church History Tour Easter Break

Church History Tour Easter Break
Palmyra - Joseph Smith's home where he grew up!

We went to Niagara Falls too!

The Angel Game!

The Angel Game!
We got on the big screen!